Saturday, May 21, 2011

Eating and Food Choices

1.  My approach to eating for myself is to try to only eat when I'm hungry and not to overeat.  I recently lost ten pounds by using this approach.  I have also mostly cut out sweets from my diet..which I love!  I have pretty healthy eating habits and try to pick good food when I am hungry.  I really care about calorie content and keeping a good balance of food.  I compromise when I am at parties and salt and vinegar potato chips - I cannot live without them!  But instead of eating a whole bag I will just eat a few.

2. a.  My approach to eating affects my family somewhat.  I do not stock my house with junk, but they do not eat all the same things I do.  I try to provide heathly food for my family, but they really prefer junk.  I do buy stuff that I know they like and will eat and try to talk myself out of thinking it is bad!  For instance, I buy frozen pizzas and mini frozen tacos, the kids love this stuff.  I just think oh well they are kids, they can get away with eating that kind of food.  It's not all horrible, but I let them have stuff they want sometimes.  I usually do not eat "their" food.

2b.  I shop for food as I need it.  I shop at least three times a week or more.  I am always out of something and while I'm at the store I pick up what I need for the next few dinners, lunches, etc.  I usually do not make lists, I wish I was more organized.  I go to Jewel, Dominicks, Target, Costco and Walmart for most of my food.  It usually takes me about 30 to 45 minutes.  I will use coupons on occasion.  My husband loves to leave me coupons, but I often forget them!

3.  My eating habits and food choices have changed based on what I said for question #2.  I have tried to limit my amount of food and when I do eat I try to eat healthy options.  I will still eat some bad stuff, but try not to go overboard.  For instance, I used to buy packages of cookies or candy and eat it all day long.  I would over do it.  Now when I have something sweet I really think about it.  I'm resisting buying the cookies and candy.  I have started eating a lot more yogurt and fruit.  I hate to say it but I have made these changes for vanity!  I want to be thin and healthy.  It's really not that much more work to remain thin.

4.  During a typical week I will eat eggs, toast, waffles or yogurt for breakfast.  Oh and of course coffee!  I usually try to have a glass of juice in the morning as well.  I like to eat very light in the morning, but I never skip breakfast.  After the kids leave for school, I just eat little things during the rest of the morning and afternoon.  I try not to plan a big lunch.  I just eat when I'm hungry.  Typically I will have a yogurt, banana, sushi or granola bar.  In a way I am a little afraid of food, I don't want to over eat.  I will also grab something like soup or half sandwich from Panera.  Oh yes, I eat my salt and vinegar chips too!  For dinner I try to make something for my family like spaghetti, tacos, paninis or chili.  I almost always include a vegetable.  Some nights it is impossible to cook because of our schedule and will throw I pizza in or make sandwiches.  When I make dinner for the family we do not usually sit down together.  We have an island and I get the kids served while I'm standing.  I will grab some of the food I made when I can.

4a.  Meals on the weekend are a little different.  We usually make a big breakfast for the kids including eggs, bacon or sometimes homemade waffles and pancakes.  Because of our crazy sports schedules we often eat on the road on weekends.  Like the week days, if I have time and we are at home I will make dinner at home.

5. Mealtime success to me looks like a well balanced meal for me and my kids.  I love preparing something good that is homemade that everyone likes.  This is a success!  Sometimes we are eating snack food for dinner and I wish we weren't.  I wish I could prepare a healthy meal every night.  My kids have gotten picky and I feel I have missed my opportunity to introduce healthy options.  I wish I had more interest and desire to read good cook books and feed my family healthy every day.  I achieve success with meals I would say 50% of the time.  Time to plan and prepare gets in the way of always having a successful mealtimes.


  1. What do you consider to be a well balanced meal for you and your kids?

    What would you consider to be a healthy meal?

  2. A meal with protein, vegetables and fiber. Something homemade, that is filling. I would consider chili a healthy meal as well as homemade spaghetti. I always serve milk as well.
