Saturday, May 21, 2011

All About Cold Cuts

1.  I always have cold cuts on hand, especially turkey, ham and salami.  My kids take their lunches to school and this is always an option for them.  I don't consider bacon a cold cut.  My kids eat salami right out of the package.

1a.  My kids eat a lot of sandwiches for lunch.  We also make paninis quite often.  I feel good about the sandwiches, I use whole wheat bread and lettuce and tomato.  It feels like something substantial for the kid's lunches and easy to prepare and transport.

2.  I am aware of pre-packaged cold cuts like ham, turkey, salami that I use.  I am also aware of the other meats such as olive loaf, liverwaurst and others I can't remember that I don't use.  It is a foreign section to me, I'm not interested in fancied up processed meats.  I am aware of the deli counter cold cuts.

2a. I imagine some cold cuts are better than others, I'm embarrassed to say I do not know.  The weird pickled meats in the pre-packaged section seem like bad stuff to me.  They seem like they are reallllyyy processed.

2b.  The deli meats seem like they are healthier to me.  You can see the counter person carving your meat from a real section.  I'm pretty certain the pre-packaged meats have fillers and other bad ingredients.  But the deli is often busy and I need to get something for sandwiches.  We are not eating it everyday and I don't think it is bad if you eat other good things too.  Pre-packed is often cheaper too, so I have to take into account cost as well.

3.  I am looking for certain kinds of meat when shopping for cold cuts.  I like lean meat like turkey and ham.  I get the salami because everyone (including me) likes it.  Specifically I am looking for taste.  For the deli and prepackaged are comparable, I don't find one or the other overwhelmingly better than the other.

3a.  I like certain brands because I have always bought them and know what to expect.  I like Hillshire Farm, Oscar Meyer and Sara Lee.  I like a thinner sliced meat because it easier to make smaller sandwiches if needed.  Again, I hate to say it but I am not picky about ingredients.  I know it won't kill me and I know it is a decent source of protein and my family likes it.

3b.  I like the packaging of Hillshire Farms the best.  I like the resealable tubs.  The meat is thin and the portion size is good.  I like the reassurance of the deli meat (sara lee).  I feel like it is the best I can buy for my family. Sometimes I buy too much deli meat though and end up throwing it away.  I believe Oscar Mayer is the only pre-packaged salami available, so it is my only other choice.  I eat and serve cold cuts for the kids lunches and dinner time for paninis.  I feel confident of serving all the above brands, I feel like my kids are getting a decent source of protein and a full stomach.

4. I think Oscar Mayer cold cuts are both good and bad.  I like the salami but a lot of the other meats are weird.  I grew up eating bologna, but that just seems way to processed for my family.  I don't think my kids have ever eaten bologna.  Oscar Mayer seems like a factory company.  When I think of Oscar Mayer I think of a factory for meat and meat only.  Big ole meat processing plant.  I don't really have an impression of Sara Lee and processed meats, I think of Sara Lee more of a bread company.  Same with Hillshire Farms, they make other products besides meat.

4a.  I'm sure a lot of people eat Oscar Mayer.  I hate to say it but I do think of the less advantaged using Oscar Mayer.  The cost may be a factor when choosing Oscar Mayer.  I think people with less money would choose Oscar Mayer.  It isn't a "top" brand to me when I think of food brands.  It has a ghetto quality to it.  But then again, I do not live in the ghetto and I have a budget to.  I am just supposing.

4b.  I love Oscar Mayer bacon.  It is my top brand for bacon.  Nothing else compares.  I'm not happy unless I have Oscar Mayer bacon, I don't want any other bacon!


Dear Oscar Mayer,

I am writing to you as a concerned consumer.  I have used and know about your products all my life.  I do trust you, but feel you may have a bad reputation.  I love and trust your bacon and will buy your salami, but you seem a little out of touch.  The color of your packaging and the way you package your cold cuts makes me think of a big smoke stack factory.  I wish you could take me into your reliable looking carving station to know you are thinking about me and my family.  I need reassurance that you are doing your best to provide the best "non-factory" ingredients into my food.  Make your products more user friendly too.  I hate that I can't seal my bacon after I have used it!

I would love to talk more if you are interested!


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